One of the objectives of this project is to acknowledge how communities of video makers can draw on and support the creative labour that is the heart of such rich networks of practitioners. Citing influence and inspiration is an act of care that recognizes and appreciates videographic contributions, creativity, aesthetic and pedagogical developments, and the works of others both in their final projects and in their works in process. As we learn from each other and find inspiration in each other’s works, how might we practice ethical citation and acknowledge our influences?
As for work curated on this site, we offer the following citational suggestions. To cite the exercises in a syllabus, classroom assignment, or print media/scholarship:
Author(s). “Name of Exercise.” Ways of Doing. 2023. URL for exercise
Lucy Fife Donaldson, Colleen Laird, Dayna McLeod, and Alison Peirse. “Found in Transition: Catherine Grant’s Dissolves of Passion.” Ways of Doing. 2023.
Dayna McLeod. “Onscreen Cameo.” Ways of Doing. 2023.