Embodied Sound: Catherine Grant

LULLAMENT: A video made at the Embodying the Video Essay – videographic workshop, Bowdoin College, Maine, July 8-15th, 2023. This was an experiment in adding sound to a silent film sequence, partly in order to explore the spatial anchoring issues raised by using post-produced sound in an existing scene. In the original film sequence from […]

Embodied Sound: Catherine Grant

Embodied Sound: Johannes Binotto

How does a caress sound like? Can we make an embrace audible? In this hug between me and my colleague and friend, the videographic scholar Daniel Pope, we two experienced intimate and intense contact I then tried to convey also to the viewer, in particular through acoustical means. I first tried to place contact microphones […]

Embodied Sound: Johannes Binotto

Embodied Sound: Jeffrey Romero Middents

An exercise adding my own sudden erratic breathing, recorded with a contact microphone against my throat, interlaced into a sequence in Alfonso Cuarón’s Children of Men. In particular, this exercise exposed how much nature is shown in a film otherwise thought to be very urban; see also Embodied Smell exercise.

Embodied Sound: Jeffrey Romero Middents

Embodied Sound: Colleen Laird

I made this video at the “Embodying the Video Essay” workshop at Bowdoin College in July, 2023. The exercise, designed by Dayna McLeod, had a list of parameters with the aim of reorienting participants with their media object(s) for use in the workshop, particularly with regards to sound. Details about the exercise can be found […]

Embodied Sound: Colleen Laird