Onscreen Cameo

Onscreen Cameo: Alison Peirse
Exercise created by Dayna McLeod for the Embodying the Video Essay Videographic Workshop, Bowdoin College, Maine, July 2023 Information on the exercise prompt at our Ways of Doing website:waysofdoing.com/resources/onscreen-cameo/

Onscreen Cameo: Jeffrey Romero Middents
An exercise adding Lima into a sequence highlighting “fallen world cities” in Alfonso Cuarón’s Children of Men.

Onscreen Cameo: Dayna McLeod
Using an endoscope, I bring a in-depth feminist reading to the landscape of Thelma and Louise.

Onscreen Cameo: Colleen Laird
I made this video at the “Embodying the Video Essay” workshop at Bowdoin College in July, 2023. The exercise, designed by Dayna McLeod, had a list of parameters to help practitioners consider how we situate ourselves in relation to the texts we study. Details about the exercise can be found at https://waysofdoing.com/resources/onscreen-cameo/

Onscreen Cameo: Lucy Fife Donaldson
Made during ‘Embodying the Video Essay’ workshop, Bowdoin College, July 2023. Based on an audiovisual exercise designed by Dayna McLeod. For research purposes only.